Sunday, September 29, 2013

Essay September 30th-October 4th

Choose One to write your weekly essay:

1. "Tuck Everlasting." We finished "Tuck" on Friday. Did you like the ending? Well, here's your chance to change it. Write an alternate ending at least three paragraphs long. What happens? Does the man in the yellow suit come back? Does Winnie drink the water? You tell me!

2. As we study the map of the United States, I think about all the people I know in the USA and all the places I've travelled. Have you been out of state on a vacation? Have you gone on a road trip? Do you know anyone from another state? You may write about a vacation to another state: What did you see, taste, touch, hear, smell that was different than you were used to? Otherwise, give a friend or relative from another state a call and ask them how it is living in their state. What is the land like? The climate (the weather over a period of years- what is it usually like in the winter/spring/summer/fall). What kind of crops do farmers raise? Anything else that would be useful can be asked. Please write at least three paragraphs about your vacation or your out-of-state interview.

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