Sunday, February 2, 2014

Room 20 Classroom Notes February 3-7

Good Week!
This week, we will be starting a new writing project based on persuasive writing. this gives the students the chance to take on a controversial subject, weigh the pros and cons, and ultimately express their "position" with evidence. It is personally my favorite writing unit! In math, we continue with big multiplication and division using a new school way of doing long division. If you are demonstrating the old school long division at home, it is most welcomed. It is important, however, to express to the students that there are various ways to work division. In Social Studies, we will be continuing our work on Explorers of the Americas, including our google maps geography work detailing and displaying (using the magic of google) routes of our selected Explorer. In reading, we will be working on the reading strategy of making connections and drawing conclusions using a story from our reader and working in our novels. We start tech this week and for the next four weeks. I can't wait for the kids to get started on the excellent projects Mr. Jamesbarry has in store for us! On Friday, Sellwood Middle School will come and present to the fifth grade and answer questions. I also have a new calendar mechanism on my blog to update you on what is new. It is located on the right side of the main page. I also created a page called "Assignments and Homework" that lists the assignments for the day and homework. Please bookmark!

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