Sunday, December 8, 2013

Room 20 Classroom Notes December 9-13

The book reports were very excellent! The kids showed much creativity in how they presented their story. The next book reports will be assigned in January and will be based on a graphic novel. Stay tuned! I just wanted you all to know that I write my notes a week ahead because notes go out on Wednesdays. So, our last week of school (December 16-20) before winter break will include a few deadlines: All imaginative writing will be due. Most students will finish before this. Also, we will have a math geometry quiz, but will not finish our geometry unit until January, so the post assessment will happen in early January. Finally, our Native American home project are due Thursday, December 19th. These are dwellings, a tool, and a representation of a sacred animal from your child's tribe. We are working on an essay in school now about the variety of tribes throughout what we now call the United States. After we finish the essay, the students will begin a research project in class based specifically on their chosen tribe. The last day before break, we will be watching a video based on the audiobook we listened to while making our maps. We will watch "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief." It is rated PG. Speaking of maps, students will be taking home their states but not with the display boards. The display boards will be used for future presentations and projects, namely our science fair in late winter/early spring. Students will now be taking their spelling tests online. Students may also do digital homework on spelling city for 20 minutes per night instead of the spelling worksheets along with their math and nightly 30 minutes reading.

Essay of the Week (300 words or more):
*Imagine you find an old letter tucked inside a library book. The letter reveals that there is a hidden passageway somewhere at your school. Write about your search for the passageway and where it leads.

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