Sunday, December 1, 2013

Room 20 Classroom Notes December 2-6

I had a wonderful time at conferences. I learned much and will implement strategies to better serve your child due to your insightful perspectives. I wanted to thank the kiddos for working so hard last quarter and hope they can push even harder as they approach their final three quarters of elementary school. This is why students must be prepared and responsible with their classwork, homework, and any school communications that must get home. I wanted to let you know we have implemented three new online supplements. Please ask your child about Newsela (high-interest online language arts articles), SpellingCity (spelling and vocabulary work), and MobyMax (an online reading and math curriculum). These tools are just a few items we have been using, aside from our staple GoogleDocs. We have a walking field trip next Thursday, December 12th! I very much need chaperones for this walking field trip to the Reed Cooley Art Gallery. Please contact me ASAP to help out from 8:50am-11:30am that day. It will be a very interesting focus on Soviet Graphic Arts. For the next three weeks before winter break, we will be learning about Native Americans of what we now call the United States. A homework project will be going home at the beginning of this week and will entail creating a Native American dwelling, a tool (artifact), and creating a symbol for a sacred animal of a tribe that will be assigned this week. For instance, if a student is assigned the Cherokee tribe, they will be creating a dwelling, tool and depicting a sacred animal for the Cherokee tribe. In class, students will be summarizing readings about native peoples and creating a presentation based on the said assigned tribe. It should be a lot of fun!!! See you soon.

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