Monday, April 28, 2014

Room 20 Classroom Notes April 28-May 2

Good Week! The birds are chirping and the sun is out! This week we mosey to Reed College for a fun science field trip. We will visit the Biology Building and their labs, the Chemistry Building, a campus tour, and their nuclear reactor. Science Fair projects are due Friday, May 9th, the Friday before camp. Speaking of camp, please make sure if your child takes any medication that not only the camp medication form is filled, but the PPS form that was sent with report cards. Send in ASAP. This week, we continue our review for our state math test beginning Monday, May 5th. Science testing starts Monday, May 19th. If your family will be on vacation or out during that week, students must take the test early because the testing cut-off/deadline is at the end of the week. In writing, students are creating a work sample of their choice due Friday. Each day we will go though another step of the writing process- today brainstorming, tomorrow first drafts, and so on. In health, we are discussing and learning about puberty and the reproductive system. In reading, we are working on a vertebrate/invertebrate research and art project. Please check the blog when you can. I document EVERYTHING we do on a daily basis on the "Homework/Assignments" page. If you have not done so already we REALLY need you to pay for science camp. Thanks in advance!

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